

富兰克林树,(Franklinia Alatamaha),可能在野外灭绝(GX)。-A培养了本物种的实例,因为没有已知的野生个体。
富兰克林树的一个培养例(Franklinia Alatamaha),可能在野外灭绝。

John Bartram协会/ Bartram的花园






"There were a number of interesting discoveries. I was surprised at the geographic distribution of extinction events being southwestern. We were very surprised at the number of plants that were apparently known from a single site (i.e. extremely narrow geographic distribution)," lead author, ecologist and botanist Wesley Knapp of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program of the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, told Treehugger.

"I think the largest surprise is the fact that up to seven plants are extinct in the wild (i.e. only known from botanical gardens), and some of these species weren’t known to be extinct in the wild before this study. Frankly, this is shocking."






“有一点,我希望人们从事工作是科学界需要更加合作地工作。知道找到稀有植物的群体,如北卡罗来纳自然遗产计划,需要与种子银行和保护花园密切合作help conserve genetic material (i.e. ex situ保守),“Knapp说。

"We should start by focusing on global single site endemics. We also need to closely look at our ‘protected lands’ to make sure we’re capturing the full array of biodiversity. Lastly, many conservation groups work on larger landscape level initiatives or focal areas. This is wonderful for ecosystem function, however the importance of small site protection for biodiversity conservation is imperative to protect extinction."

当Knapp是一名本科学生时,他被任务调查了马里兰州的两个县,寻找稀有植物物种。他说,植物谷物的Micranthemum(micranthemum micranthemoides)捕获了他的想象力,因为这是唯一一个被认为在马里兰州灭绝的植物。

"I did not realize extinct plants were found in places like Maryland, assuming they were only in far off species places like the Amazon. Over the years I’d talk to other botanists about what plants were extinct in their states. I found that most people didn’t know much about the plants that were presumed extinct where they were working, so I started maintaining a list of the extinct species," he said. "To my surprise, the work had not been done and everyone was on board that it was an important topic to investigate."