





因此,奥地利研究人员在本月在期刊上发表的新研究生物工程和生物技术的边疆Because bacteria in cows’ stomachs already are good at breaking down difficult materials—for example, natural plant polymers like cutin, a waxy, water-repellent substance found in the peels of apples and tomatoes—the researchers theorized that they might also be capable of breaking down synthetic materials like plastic, which is notoriously hard to process and recycle, and which has a chemical structure that’s similar to that of cutin.


Researchers harvested fresh rumen liquid from an Austrian slaughterhouse and incubated it with samples of three different types of plastic in the form of both powder and film: polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is the type of plastic that’s used in soda bottles, food packaging, and synthetic fabrics; polyethylene furanoate (PEF), a biodegradable plastic that’s common in compostable plastic bags; and polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT), yet another variety of biodegradable plastic. Within 72 hours, the rumen microbes had begun to break down all three types of plastic in both their powder and film forms, although the powders had degraded further, faster.给予足够的时间,科学家得出结论,瘤胃微生物应该能够完全分解所有三种塑料。


当然,也可以直接从瘤胃液体收获酶。“你可以想象每天在屠宰场积累的巨大瘤胃液体 - 它只是浪费,”研究人员,“自然资源大学和生活科学大学的研究人员之一告诉卫报该公司表示,里比奇的瘤胃研究只是发现塑料食用酶并将其商业化的一系列努力中的最新一项。然而,这些努力通常集中在回收PET上。瘤胃的优势在于,它不仅包含一种可用于回收一种塑料的酶,还包含许多可回收塑料的酶可用于回收多种类型的塑料。


虽然没有解决方案只是没有创造这么多的塑料,但塑料废物问题的规模需要“越来越多的Merrier”方法,关于回收解决方案:根据监护人,已经生产了超过80亿吨塑料,以来20世纪50年代 - 大约相同的重量为10亿大象。

  1. 昆顿,艾米。“奶牛和气候变化."加州大学戴维斯分校,2019年。

  2. Quartinello,Felice等。“一起更好:瘤胃微生物群落作为生物工具箱,用于劣化合成聚酯."生物工程和生物技术的边疆,卷。9,2021,D​​OI:10.3389 / FBIOE.2021.684459