


Carlos Rojas / Getty Images

阿拉斯加的Tongass国家森林是美国的1670万英亩,是美国最大的国家森林和世界上最大的幸存温带雨林。然而,由于其巨大的足迹,这一巨大挑战 - 并非最少的挑战是保护它免受产业开发和发展的影响。



“We look forward to meaningful consultation with tribal governments and Alaska Native corporations, and engaging with local communities, partners, and the state to prioritize management and investments in the region that reflect a holistic approach to the diverse values present in the region,” U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a statement. “This approach will help us chart the path to long-term economic opportunities that are sustainable and reflect Southeast Alaska’s rich cultural heritage and magnificent natural resources.”



不称赞的环保团体失败。“旧成长森林对于解决气候变化至关重要,因此阿拉斯加荒野联赛的阿拉斯加总监Andy Moderow恢复了对Tongass的无宽阔的保护是至关重要的陈述。“The Tongass alone stores more than 1.5 billion metric tons of [carbon dioxide equivalent] and sequesters an additional 10 million metric tons each year … With Alaska experiencing climate impacts more acutely than most, we shouldn’t be discussing the continued clearcutting of a natural climate solution that exists right in our own backyard.”

回响Sierra Club Alaska章节主任Andrea Feniger:“阿拉斯加东南部的社区今天可以轻松呼吸,知道汤隆国家森林......将保持保护。拜登总统的恢复行动和加强对汤时的保障措施是对这些社区和气候的胜利。通汤是对抗气候变化的关键工具,拜登政府保护我们的森林野生野生的行为确保了多年来将继续成为气候解决方案的一部分。“

美国农业局对汤斯的辩护跟随6月公告拜登政府认为,它将暂停阿拉斯加北极国家野生动物避难所的石油和天然气租赁,这是一款由1月份特朗普政府批准的钻井计划。 In a case of mixed messaging, however, the administration a week prior took an opposite stance when it defended a Trump-era decision to approve a major oil project on Alaska’s North Slope—the Willow prospect in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, which according to the安克雷奇日常新闻在三十年来,每天可在每天生产高达160,000桶油,约6亿桶油。

“The Willow project is the poster child for the type of massive fossil fuel development that must be avoided today if we’re to avoid the worst climate impacts down the road,” Moderow’s colleague, Alaska Wilderness League Acting Executive Director Kristen Miller, said in a反应对柳树的决定。“我们支持这项政府的工作,以解决气候变化,并优先考虑环境正义,促进清洁能源,并撤消过去四年的损害,因此决定捍卫忽视当地担忧的特朗普石油和天然气项目土着社区和绝对未能充分解决对我们气候未来的风险令人难以置信的令人失望。“