



她还表示,即使美国总统在贸易谈判中坚持下,政府也将“持有这条线”。毫无疑问,这将使美国贸易谈判者和家禽农民挫败,他们已经投入了相当大的努力,试图让英国说服它的肉是安全的消费安全。去年,美国政府支付了一个$ 10,000按junket

很高兴看到villiers坚持不懈地脱颖而出,这远非完美的自我,但至少不采取“大锤”的方法,即美国人依赖氯来解决让动物被限制在内的所有问题可怕的条件。去引用Dan Nosowitz现代农民

"Tiny spaces, wildly overbred birds that have difficulty standing up, and mass production that results in heavily soiled, contaminated birds. Chlorine, by the EU’s way of thinking, encourages such bad behavior. After all, why bother to treat your birds well, when it’s expensive and can all be cleaned off by a 50-parts-per-million chlorine solution?"

BBC说自1997年以来,美国和欧洲国家之间的争论是在美国和欧洲国家之间的争论。希望在Brexit之后破解英国市场。"Leaked trade documents showed the U.S. tried to establish how far the UK would, after Brexit, detach from the EU's hard line against U.S. farm trade methods. U.S. officials had made a presentation and repeatedly raised the 'unscientific approach the EU maintains towards Pathogen Reduction Treatments [chlorinated chicken]'." Now that is looking less favorable for the Americans.
